Swish lite is the name the original Swish tool received after Djj Holdings PTY released Swish 2, its main target is made text and web banners flash animation creation easy. It really achieves what it offer with a really low cost.
If you are tired of Giff animators and doesnt have time to learn flash actionscripting, Swish Lite is for you.
Taking back swish lite topic, it offers a friendly object oriented user interface controlled by actions ( basic commands) that affects all or some objects on an specific timeframe. The timeline is really similar to Flash or other Adobe (at that time Macromedia ) products interface; however there is a major tweak on the formula.....it just includes basic commands (if, stop, start, go to, etc) and includes a lot of professional animation templates.
It supports mp3 and image compression to make the swf file lighter and since its main usage is for banner that shouldnt be a problem. On the other hand if you need advanced flash animations for websites or advertisement, try swish 2, swishmax or swishmax 2